What is the Comprehensive Plan?

Posted by KirstieLaatsch on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 12:16pm

The Comprehensive Plan is a document that guides City decision-making and investment. The Plan looks years into the future and seeks opportunities to address long term issues, but focuses on action steps for the City’s near-term efforts.

The Plan’s recommendations are intended to:

  • Create a collective vision for a future Madison.
  • Establish priorities for public investment, including the City’s Operating Budget, Capital Budget, and five- year Capital Improvement Program.
  • Inform policies that guide City decision-making.
  • Align the work of City Agencies around the issues that matter most to our residents and stakeholders.
  • Create a framework for topic-specific plans and initiatives that will expand on the Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations.
  • Guide private development through the Generalized Future Land Use Map and Growth Priority Areas map.
  • Foster partnerships with other entities to address shared goals.