WB3 - Strategy Prioritization - Green & Resilient

Strategies: Green & Resilient


  • Madison will be a leader in stewardship of our land, air, and water resources.
  • Madison will have a model park and open space system that preserves our significant natural features and offers spaces for recreation and bringing residents together.

Prioritization will be key for this effort to be successful. Click and drag the Strategies below in order of their importance. Your top five Strategies will be used in the next step of this activity.

When you are finished, click the "Next" button.

Protect Madison's water supply and infrastructure to provide safe, clean drinking water.
Encourage water conservation methods to reduce the demand for groundwater.
Improve the recycling system by expanding markets for materials, eliminating barriers to recycling, and providing recycling education.
Make energy efficiency upgrades to City facilities and private buildings.
Expand the use of green infrastructure for storm water management (such as rain gardens, greenways, and pervious pavement).
Increase the use and accessibility of renewable energy to reduce pollution and address climate change.
Divert organic waste from landfills through composting.
Support safe and sustainable farming and gardening practices that protect the ecosystem and public health.
Improve lake water quality by working to reduce urban and agricultural runoff.
Improve public access to the lakes and seek opportunities to further protect shoreline areas.
Add and upgrade park facilities in underserved areas of the city to accommodate and provide more types of gatherings, activities, and events.
Improve and preserve urban biodiversity through an interconnected greenway, habitat, nature access, and path system.
Acquire parkland in areas that are currently deficient.
Develop a healthy and diverse urban tree canopy.
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